Friday, August 27, 2010

Sermon Updates

I have not taken time to update my blog in several weeks. If you have been faithful to check back, I thank you for your faithfulness and I apologize for my tardiness. Here is the sermon for last Sunday, "A Message from the Pastor." It was a timely message that came from the bottom of my heart to the members of DaySpring Church. I pray that it is a blessing to you.

Sermon 22Aug2010 mp3
Sermon 22Aug2010 Word
Sermon 22Aug2010 pdf

If you missed any of the sermons from our study of Acts on Sunday mornings, here are links to three of the four sermons dealing with the conversion of Saul. The third sermon in the series on the conversion of Saul (Apostle Paul) is unavailable at the moment. I still may be able to recover it, but for now, this is all there is.
Sermon 25Jul2010
Sermon 01Aug2010
Sermon 15Aug2010