Monday, May 31, 2010

Sermon 30May2010

This week, I preached from an outline and not from a text, so there is no printed copy of the sermon.

Sermon 30May2010 mp3

I hope you enjoyed the video tribute to those who gave their lives for freedom. After worship, I had a request for the video. You can watch the video here or download it by right clicking here or on the link below. Enjoy.

Memorial Day Video

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sermon 23May2010

We experienced technical difficulties on Sunday, which means we did not get to record the sermon. You can read it by left-clicking on either link below, or you can download it in either format by right-clicking, then clicking on "Save link as."

Sermon 23May2010 Word
Sermon 23May2010 PDF

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

No, Mr. President - John Piper

A great video by one of the premier pastors of our day speaking to our President concerning the issue of abortion. It is a moving video and should inspire us in our stand against this abominable practice.