Monday, September 27, 2010

DaySpring on Mission

This weekend promises to be one of our greatest challenges and one of the most rewarding times of our church. We began the Mobile Church experience over a year ago. This week, we will be in Orchard Hill, GA, in the city park with inflatables, snow cones, popcorn and lots of other stuff on Saturday. Then, on Sunday morning, we will be back at the park for worship followed by free hotdogs and hamburgers to follow. Orchard Hill is a small town, and we are a small church, but our vision is huge, and our God is huger. (I know that's not a word, but it relays the message!) Pray for God to work through us and in the lives of people who desperately need His salvation.

Sermon: Initiation, Acts 9.20-31

We are back in the book of Acts where we will be for the next few weeks - the exception being next week as we go on mission with Mobile Church once again. This sermon is the aftermath of the conversion of Saul (the Apostle Paul) and his initiation into the fellowship of disciples in Damascus, in Jerusalem, and his home town of Tarsus.

Sermon 26Sep2010 mp3
Sermon 26Sep2010 Word
Sermon 26Sep2010 pdf

A Message to the Members Part 2

This is the third sermon in a four-part series entitled "Heart to Heart." The fourth sermon, preached on 19Sep2010 and entitled "Encouragement," was based on Malachi 3.16-18. The sermon did not get recorded or typed. I will make an effort to add it sometime, so check back.

Sermon 12Sep2010 mp3
Sermon 12Sep2010 Word
Sermon 12Sep2010 pdf

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sermon 05Sep2010

Ann & I were on vacation this past week. We were given a gift of the use of a time-share on Hilton Head Island, Ga. To say we enjoyed the experience would be an understatement. We were only able to stay until Thursday morning, but the trip was wonderful. This past Sunday, we were privileged to hear the preaching of Bro. David Hill of Second Baptist in Griffin and to attend Sunday School with some great friends.

Danny Singleton was gracious enough to preach for me this past Sunday. Everyone who attended has had nothing but great things to say about the sermon and the worship service as a whole. Thanks to Danny and to all who made the day possible. If you missed the day or would simply like to hear it again, here is Danny's sermon. Danny's text was John 17. Based on the prayer of Jesus, Danny , and he called the church to pray for oneness, joyfulness, hopefulness, and purposefulness.

Danny Singleton Sermon 05Sep2010 mp3

A Message to the Members, Acts 2.42 - 1 Jn 1.7

I added a new feature with this sermon. This is not a trend. It was a convenient tool for this sermon, so I hope it helps your understanding.

You can listen to the sermon by clicking on the player below or download by right clicking on the link below the player. Download the listening guide in the same way.

Sermon 29Aug2010 mp3
Listening Guide 29Aug2010 pdf