Monday, March 7, 2011


It's been three weeks since I visited my blog with an update. Thanks to those of you who faithfully check to see if I have been working!

I haven't been able to give much time to the blog because we have been busy setting up a new web page for our church. I am happy to say that it is up and running, although when you visit, you will see that we still have much to do. And even though some of the unfinished pages may look like it, we haven't started speaking in tongues or preaching in Latin.

We are in the process of creating a Facebook page for True Life Church also. That is still some days ahead, but keep checking. There will be a link both here and on the web page.

Here is the sermon from this past Sunday, March 6.

mp3        Word        pdf

From now on, my sermons will be posted on the web page instead of on my blog. You will find the sermons in the latest series, The Pursuit of God, posted there. Right now, if you prefer to listen online instead of downloading, just left-click on the mp3 link beside each sermon date. Hopefully, we will have a player on the page soon so you can listen that way also.