Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Today is my mom's birthday. This picture is actually from her birthday in 2010, but it's the only one I have handy. I hope she doesn't want to whip me for using it.

It certainly would not be fair to say that everything I am today I owe to my mom, Reba. There are things in my life that she would not be so proud to own. But I must give her credit for the good things anyway.

There are so many stories in the news today of moms who abandon or harm their own children that I know I am blessed to have a mom who has sacrificed everything she has and everything she could have personally achieved for the sake of her children, her family, her friends, and her God. There are very few things that she does that do not have as their motive the welfare and the happiness of others.

God has been more than generous by the gift of the heritage passed along by Mom to me, my wife and family, to my five brothers and sisters and their spouses, to the 14 grandchildren and the spouses of the eight that are married, the eight and soon-to-be ten great-grandchildren and one spouse, and the two great-great-grandchildren. (Sorry if I left anyone out! With the two great-grandkids on the way, the total will soon be 40 if I've counted right!)

One of my fondest memories of life is hearing my Mom sing, especially when she was younger. I can still hear her singing a song that is probably a statement of her faith more than any other song in my memory. She may have sung other songs, but the one that sticks in my mind is "I'm a Child of the King."

It is a statement of her testimony. That makes everyone in that list above part of a family of royalty.

Thanks, Mom.

(This isn't Mom. It's Skeeter Davis, but the song is the same.)


1. Once I was clothed in the rags of my sin,
Wretched and poor, lost and lonely within.
But with wondrous compassion, the King of all kings,
In pity and love, took me under His wings.


Oh, yes, oh yes, I'm a child of the King
His royal blood now flows in my veins.
And I who was wretched and poor now can sing
Praise God, praise God, I'm a child of the King.

2. Now I'm a child with a Heavenly home,
My Holy Father has made me His own.
And I'm cleansed by His blood, and I'm clothed in His love,
And some day I'll sing with the angels above.

All I Have Is Christ

I used this video in church a couple of Sundays ago just before I preached. It is a great song with a great testimony and the video made even better, especially in light of world events. The video was created by Chris Powers and can be accessed for download at vimeo.com.

All I Have is Christ - An Animation from Grace in Cranberry on Vimeo.