Monday, October 11, 2010


God is good – all the time. Lately, He has really blessed our church.
Last weekend (Oct. 2-3), we hosted our third Mobile Church event in Orchard Hill, GA. While the first two events (August 2009, June 2010) were lots of fun and very rewarding, we did not see anyone attend as a direct result of our outreach efforts.
However, this weekend, we had as many as 25-30 guests come to worship with us on Sunday morning! What a great day! Praise God for bringing those guests. We had even more who came to eat lunch with us. It was a lot of effort, but everyone who helped was greatly rewarded for their efforts.
This past weekend, we had baptism – admittedly, the first in quite a while. The whole worship service this past weekend was exciting because everyone’s heart was filled with the joy of seeing Christ at work in people’s lives.
If you are interested in the sermons from these past two weeks, you may read or download them here.

On Wednesday nights, one of our small groups is a study of cults and other religions. We are in the fourth week of the study. We are not only studying the history and beliefs of other cults and religions, but how we can witness to them as we encounter them in our lives. If you are interested in reading about other cults or religions, here is an article with some links that you can visit to learn online.
Finally, our study of Radical by David Platt continues in homes and at church. This week we postponed the study because so many people are gone for Fall Break and other reasons. Here is the study guide for Chapter 4. This study guide was made from a small group lesson guide produced by and purchased from you are interested in one of the studies you might have missed, you can download them here.

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