Sunday, February 6, 2011

New Sermon Series - "Rooted"

This Sunday (February 6, 2011), I began a new sermon series I’ve entitled “Rooted.”

We have been working diligently to get our new webpage up and running and have finally agreed on a design. The page is up, but is basically empty while we create information to fill in the blanks.

One of the pages of the website tells about True Life Church. On that page will be a statement of our beliefs. While I was reviewing that statement, I was moved to prepare a series of sermons on the subject of what we believe.

This is a work in progress, so I am not sure how long it will take us to go through a study like this. During this series, we will review the truths of the Bible on particular subjects such as the nature of God, the person of Christ, the role of the Holy Spirit, as well as such subjects as man, sin, salvation, preservation of the saints, end times, and the judgment.

The goal will be that, by the time we are finished, we have a good general idea of what the Bible teaches about particular doctrines.

This morning we began this study at the most likely place – the beginning. Gen. 1:1 says, In the beginning, God…” So the title of this first series in the study is entitled, “The Pursuit of God,” - our search for truth concerning the person and nature and attributes of God.

There are many concepts and beliefs about God which have crept unawares into our homes and even our churches. We do not have a clear concept of biblical doctrines because we do not have a clear concept of the God who created us.

If we get it wrong about God, then we will get it wrong about everything else. That is why we will begin our “Rooted” study learning what the Bible has to say about God.

We will do this with lots of scriptures and with limited commentary. I encourage you today to begin praying that God will move in our church and even in our community as we endeavor to understand Him and His ways and purposes.

Sermon 06Feb2011       mp3       Word       pdf       PowerPoint     

Learning Guide       Word       pdf

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