Thursday, January 28, 2010

A lick away from perfection

As most of us know, salvation is in three dimensions: justification, sanctification, and glorification. Sanctification is the process used by God to make us into the image of Christ. We may not be as aware of the idea that there are also three dimensions of sanctification.

Here is an excellent, though simple, illustration of the three dimensions of sanctification as told by Pamala Kennedy. I apologize that I cannot remember the source of the story.

It concerns a little girl who had just come out of the candy store having spent her allowance on a lollipop, when she spied her best girl friend coming down the street toward her. Being a properly brought up child she knew that unless she could think of something quickly she would be obliged to offer the lollipop to her little friend.

Her dilemma between courtesy and hunger was solved by an action which quickly, certainly, and forever sanctified the lollipop for her own use alone. And that action was simply to lick it all over on both sides before her girl friend was alongside.

By licking the lollipop she set it apart for herself; it was not now something the friend would want. That is like positional sanctification.

The moment we receive the Lord as Savior, God sets us apart for Himself, instantaneously, certainly and forever.

But that first lick did not mean much assimilation of the lollipop for our shrewd little girl. Nevertheless, she took care of that problem posthaste. She proceeded to keep on licking the candy and to make it practically what it already was positionally – her very own.

This is progressive sanctification, and it is a process that continues throughout life.

But finally there came that moment when the whole lollipop was completely in her mouth and stomach, when it was totally possessed by her.

So it shall be with us when we go to be with Christ. We shall then be fully (or perfectly) sanctified or fully set apart and possessed by him.

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