Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sermon 28Feb2010

Technology is a wonderful thing when all goes well. However, this week, it worked against us. As a result, we were not able to record the sermon. The sermon this week was the first in a new series entitled "4-Letter Words." This week dealt with the subject of Love. Click on the links below if you would like to read the sermon.

28Feb2010 MSWord

28Feb2010 PDF

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sermon 21Feb2010

The final sermon in a three-part series on Habakkuk.

21Feb2010 mp3
21Feb2010 MS Word
21Feb2010 pdf

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I know that some of you have checked back looking for Part 2 of the earlier lesson concerning the scripture that teaches that God hates some people. Part 2 deals with the question of God's love for all men. I am working on that lesson. I pray you will be patient and keep checking back.

In the meantime, let me recommend a book you should read related to the subject of God's love: John MacArthur, The God Who Loves.

Another book that I have not read but that comes highly recommended is one you can download free in pdf format: D. A. Carson, The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God.

Also, don't forget about this Sunday afternoon at 5:00 is the opening ceremony for the...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sermon 14Feb2010

Click on the player below to listen to the sermon from Sunday. Click on the links below the player to download the sermon in mp3 format, in pdf format, or in MS Word format.

 14Feb2010 Questions & Answers Pt. 2, Habakkuk 2 mp3
14Feb2010 Questions & Answers Pt. 2, Habakkuk 2 PDF
14Feb2010 Questions & Answers Pt. 2, Habakkuk 2 Word
14Feb2010 Questions & Answers Pt. 2, Habakkuk 2 PPT

Brit Hume - Tiger needs Christ

Great to hear such wonderful testimonies in the public arena.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow in Griffin


Our house on Wynterhall Drive at 430 PM
Taken about 530 PM. Depth is actually 1/8 inch deeper than shown because of ruler.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

After services this past Sunday, someone asked me a question about a statement I made and a scripture reference I used during the sermon concerning the idea that God hates. Here is what I said during the sermon: I know we like to think that God loves everyone in the world, but the Bible makes it clear that that is not the case.

I then quoted from Psalm 11:5.

After reflection, I believe the statement may have been more effectively and accurately stated like this: I know we like to think that God has only love for every person in the world, but the Bible makes it very clear that God does hate some people.

The fact is that no matter how it was worded, the statement would still have caused several people some confusion. So the question had great merit.

I began to study the subject and to write an answer to the question, but it soon grew into a treatise. If you are confused by the subject that God is capable of hate and would like to study the subject, you can click HERE to download a copy of PART 1 of the study. Part 2 will be posted as soon as it is finished.

There is also a PDF file of the 164 Old Testament uses of the Hebrew word sane' (hate) for your own reference purposes.

God bless.

Monday, February 8, 2010

On Sunday, we introduced our theme for the 2010 church year as well as the 2010 DaySpring Calendar of events for the year during worship. If you could not be here or would just like another copy, you can download the calendar.



Sermon 07Feb2010

This Sunday, I began a new series on the book of Habakkuk entitled "Habakkuk: Seeking answers to the tough questions of life."

Sermon Audio, 07Feb2010

Sermon PDF, 07Feb2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Getting Ready for Sunday!

 Remember this Sunday that we will be sharing the church calendar and many of the events that we have planned for 2010. This year promises to be great. You don't want to miss this Sunday as we look forward to what God is going to do through DaySpring Church. Have you caught the vision? What do you see?

This Sunday begins a new sermon series entitled "Habakkuk: Seeking Answers to Life's Tough Questions." If you've asked things like why there is evil in the world and when is God going to act to deliver His people from the evil around us, you need to hear this message from Habakkuk.

Wednesday Night Bible Study

Many people do not get to attend the Wednesday Bible study because of work or health or because you are serving in other areas. We do not typically record the lesson on Wednesday nights, but if you are interested in reading the lessons, you can click here and download a zip file of the first five lessons in our study through the book of Acts.

For those who may not be familiar with downloading, left click on the link above. Once the page at loads, look in the lower right portion of the page for "708 kb," which is the size of the download. Right click on that link and choose "Save link as..." Then choose a place on your computer to save the file. If you have any questions, email me or call me at church.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Guest Sermon

One of my favorite preachers is Dr. David Platt of the Church at Brookhills in Birmingham, AL. Below is one of my favorite sermons by Bro. David. It is entitled "Desperate for His Spirit."

Desperate For His Spirit audio: DesperateForHis_AUD