Tuesday, February 9, 2010

After services this past Sunday, someone asked me a question about a statement I made and a scripture reference I used during the sermon concerning the idea that God hates. Here is what I said during the sermon: I know we like to think that God loves everyone in the world, but the Bible makes it clear that that is not the case.

I then quoted from Psalm 11:5.

After reflection, I believe the statement may have been more effectively and accurately stated like this: I know we like to think that God has only love for every person in the world, but the Bible makes it very clear that God does hate some people.

The fact is that no matter how it was worded, the statement would still have caused several people some confusion. So the question had great merit.

I began to study the subject and to write an answer to the question, but it soon grew into a treatise. If you are confused by the subject that God is capable of hate and would like to study the subject, you can click HERE to download a copy of PART 1 of the study. Part 2 will be posted as soon as it is finished.

There is also a PDF file of the 164 Old Testament uses of the Hebrew word sane' (hate) for your own reference purposes.

God bless.

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