Monday, March 22, 2010

Focus on Life Campaign

We kicked off the Spring high attendance campaign, "Focus on Life," yesterday at DaySpring. We are looking forward to the next four weeks of fun activities and outreach in the community.

It all began last night with draft night. The crowd was small, but we had a wonderful time of worship and selecting teams, followed by pizza, ice cream, and great fellowship.

We continue on Saturday with our first outreach project. We will be blitzing neighborhoods in a continuing effort to touch every door within a mile and a half radius of the church. On Saturday, the time is 930 AM - lunch. On Sunday, Mar 28, the time is 530 - 730 PM. The next outreach activity will be on Saturday, April 10, 930 AM - lunch. Please make plans to be part of your team and part of the effort to reach our community for Christ.

One idea is to download the invitation card and email it to as many friends, family, and acquaintances as you can. Right click on the link below and attach it to an email.
Invitation Card pdf

If you run out of cards and need more, you can use the template below to print your own. I suggest using a heavy paper like card stock. I made the models we showed at church on Sunday using photo paper and glueing the fronts and backs together. Works great.
Invitation Card Template pdf

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