Wednesday, April 14, 2010

2010 Vision Update

This past Sunday, April 11, ended the first major emphasis in our "Focus Forward" campaign for 2010. I know most of you were really tired after such a busy weekend, but I pray you felt that your efforts were worth it.

As Pastor, I suppose I should be all cheers and exuberance after this past weekend, but I feel that to do so would not be totally honest.

I recognize, as most of you did, that the results were not what most of us expected or prayed for - especially based on past successes.

We did not attract huge crowds to any of our events. We didn't fill the sanctuary on "Focus on Life" Sunday. And we don't have a long list of prospects to show for our efforts.

That does not mean that what we attempted to accomplish was any less important or that we should feel that we were not successful.

Although I know how easy it is to be discouraged at times, I also know that the results are not up to us. We are called to be obedient and to trust God for the increase. (1 Cor. 3.6-7)

So let's look at what we did see during these past four weeks. I know the risk of listing names at times like these, but those who gave their all or their best should be recognized. For those I miss, I ask your forgiveness in advance.

  • I saw our student and children's directors, Bryan and Kelly, giving up precious resources of time and energy and even their own money to bring this campaign to fruition. They and their families put in many hours planning and putting into action the plans that were necessary to make these past four weeks so great.
  • I saw children, pre-teens, students, and adults working diligently at various and sundry times of the day and night to carry out their parts of the mission.
  • I saw 32 of our members, both children and adults, go out into our community on Saturday and Sunday to work toward our goal of knocking on every door within a 1.5 mile radius of our church. That represents 40% of our average worship attendance for the first quarter of 2010. If a church of 600 members were to have the same rate of success, they would have to have had 240 people in attendance - at an outreach event!
  • I saw us achieve almost 40% of our goal of reaching that 1.5 mile radius. In just two working weekends, we touched the lives of 584 families out of the estimated 1500 families that live within that area.
  • I saw a membership who worked together to accomplish a goal. I don't remember hearing one person complain about the work that had to be done or wondering why they seemed to be the only one working. That's because so many of you pitched in to do what had to be done.
  • I saw teams with great leaders who worked to enlist, contact, and inspire their team members to get involved and to do great things. Thanks to Ashley and Jennifer and to Chris and Kristie for taking on the responsibility and for working so hard to make things happen.
No one person or small group of people could have made such an event successful. It required us all.

Thanks to Cary and Jerrian, the team leaders of our high attendance campaigns, for all of the "strategery" and the enthusiasm they put into making these last four weeks so much fun.

Thanks to Isaac for all of the efforts he put into making the ALIVE concert such a success. There were people on our campus all day until dark enjoying the food, the fellowship, and the worship.

What could we have done to have made the "Focus on Life" event more successful? Physically, probably nothing. Lots of people put in lots of effort to achieve our goals.

The only other thing we could have done is to have prayed more. To accomplish much requires effectual, fervent prayer. (James 5:16) That is an element that we missed most. I know that many - maybe all - of us were praying for the events, but we did so as individuals and not as a church body.

Our next event is Mobile Church. Right now, that is scheduled for June 6. We may reconsider the date, but no matter what plans we make, we must set our minds on praying for God's hand to be at work before we ever put ours to the task.

And don't forget the scripture that sets the theme for all that we are trying to accomplish during the whole "Focus Forward" emphasis:

Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14


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