Monday, October 18, 2010

Several Updates

There are several items to share with everyone this week.
First, here is a slideshow of pictures from Mobile Church 2010 - Orchard Hill. There were graciously provided by Jerriann P. If you would like a copy of a certain picture, click on it during the slideshow. Or you can view the entire set of photos here and select the ones you wish to print.

Next is the sermon from this past Sunday. We are continuing our study through the book of Acts. This sermon begins our look at the encounter between Peter and Cornelius in Acts 10-11.

Sermon 17Oct2010 mp3
Sermon 17Oct2010 MS Word
Sermon 17Oct2010 pdf

Finally, I learned something today about blogger. If you would like to comment on any of the blog entries, you can do so. You have to click on the title of the blog. That will take you to another page with only that entry. Then you can comment at the bottom of the blog. So let me hear from you!

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