Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Radical Experiment

At DaySpring Church, we are in the final stages of our study of David Platt’s book, Radical. The last chapter of the book calls for readers to accept a challenge called “The Radical Experiment.” Over the next year, readers are asked to make a commitment to…
1.     Pray for the entire world
2.     Read through the entire Word
3.     Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose
4.     Spend your time in another context
5.     Commit your life to a multiplying community
If you accept the challenge, you can visit the Radical Experiment site at the web site for Brook Hills for resources that will help – at least for the remainder of 2010. I am not sure they will be there in 2011.
If you prefer your own material for praying for the world, you can purchase Operation World by Jason Mandryk, a terrific tool for carrying out this project. Through the church they are $16.00 each. Contact the church office if you are interested in a copy. Or you can visit and accomplish the same challenge.
If you accept the challenge to read through the entire Word in one year, you can visit the Radical Experiment site. Or, if you prefer, here are some web pages where you can download reading plans.
You may also like to listen to someone else read while you follow along (especially in light of the challenging names and words in the OT). Here are web sites where you can download or listen to the Bible being read. If you need help with this, contact Pastor Dan or the church office.
There was no study guide available for Chapter 9, so I created one. You can pick one up at church or download it here.

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