Monday, March 1, 2010

Bible Study in Acts - Update

I am leading in a study of the Book of Acts on Wednesday evenings at 7:00. We are now in the eighth week of that study. This week we will continue our study of the birth of the church in Acts 2. Last week, we finished Lesson 6, a two-week venture through Peter's first sermon following Pentecost. We recorded the first night of this study, but did not get to record the second night. You can download the mp3 of the first lesson here. Or you can listen here by clicking on the player below.

If you prefer to read the entire lesson, you can download a copy of that also. Just remember that this is my teaching guide and is written for teaching, not so much for reading.   MS Word Version     PDF Version

On the second night of Lesson 6, I gave out a listening guide. I know we went through the lesson that night very quickly so that some may not have gotten all of the answers. So here is a listening guide with the answers filled in for you.   MSWord Version   PDF Version

If you missed Lessons 1-5, you can click here to go to the earlier blog to download them as a zip file. These are all in pdf format. If you have difficulty with any of this, let me know and I will post them separately or email them to you.

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