Monday, March 22, 2010

Sermon 21Mar2010

This Sunday we began our Spring high attendance campaign which we have entitled "Focus on Life." This is part of the year-long theme of "Focus Forward." The first sermon in this series is "The Pursuit" based on Paul's testimony from Philippians 3:13-14. He determined that all things in the past were loss for the purpose of gaining Christ. As a church, we must do the same thing. We must keep our eyes focused on the goal of becoming like Christ, which is God's purpose in our redemption (Romans 8:29). Click on the links below to listen to the sermon or to download a printed copy. By the way, the book I made reference to in the sermon by John Piper is Desiring God.

The Pursuit, Phil. 3.13-14 mp3
The Pursuit, Phil. 3.13-14 MS Word
The Pursuit, Phil. 3.13-14 pdf

One of the things I discussed in the sermon was concept of target fixation. If you would like to see a video demonstrating what happens when you are a victim of target fixation, watch the one below. I warn you that it might be a disturbing video for some of you, but it certainly speaks volumes for what happens when we focus on the wrong target - when we get our eyes off of Jesus.

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