Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Radical Experiment

The New Year of 2011 is at the same time a new start for our church. We elected to change our name to True Life Baptist Church (which prompted the new title of my blog) and are in the process of changing logos, signs, etc. It is a bigger task than we at first thought, but we are making the change slowly but surely. More on that in the next entry.

For the first Sunday of the new year, I preached on the Radical Experiment based on David Platt's book, Radical. Click on this link for more on the Radical Experiment.

Most of the adults in our church are participating in the Experiment, meaning that each person has accepted the challenge to...
  1. Pray for the entire world
  2. Read through the entire word
  3. Sacrifice their money for a specific purpose (for us that means Faith Promise)
  4. Give their time in another context (participate in a missions activity)
  5. Commit their lives to a multiplying community (which means a commitment to True Life Church hopefully)
You can listen to or download the sermon here.

Sermon 02Jan2011     mp3     Word     pdf

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