Monday, December 27, 2010

Last Sermon for 2010

This is the final sermon of the Christmas 2010 series as well as the last sermon of 2010. It is a simple message about one of the most familiar texts in Scripture: Luke 2:1-20. I told a joke to begin the sermon, but I told it so terribly that I deleted it from the audio version. So... I thought I would print it here. Hope you enjoy it.

After hearing the Christmas Story and singing "Silent Night," a Sunday School class was asked to draw what they thought the Nativity Scene might have looked like. One boy did a good likeness of Joseph, Mary, and the infant, but off to the side was a plump roly-poly figure.

The teacher, afraid that he had somehow worked Santa Claus into the scene, asked him who that was. She wasn't sure whether she was relieved or even more worried when the boy responded, "Oh, that's round John Virgin."

Sermon 26Dec2010     mp3     Word     pdf

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