Friday, November 23, 2012

A Great Historical Principle

It's been almost three weeks since the presidential election, but here is a reminder for all those who are still struggling with the outcome.

"...all representative characters act, consciously or unconsciously, as the free and responsible organs of the spirit of their age, which moulds them first before they can mould it in turn, and that the spirit of the age itself, whether good or bad or mixed, is but an instrument in the hands of divine Providence, which rules and overrules all the actions and motives of men." (Phillip Schaff, History of the Christian Church Vol. III, 1882)

Thus President Obama is simply a product of our culture and an icon for the moral, ethical, spiritual, and political principles which have come to define this age of history. Even so, he and the world in which he governs serve as instruments in the hand of God. Whatever President Obama's legacy, whether for good or for evil, he will have served the purposes of God in the fulfillment of His plan for the creation. By the willful decisions of men God's will is fulfilled.

I had a conversation with a lady in our town just before the election. She was extolling the greatness of God and how times like we are in now require us to put all our faith in Him. I replied that Christians should be setting the example for the world of what it means to have peace because God is in control of all things. At this point in the conversation, she was in agreement with me.

Then I said, “Daniel 4.17 says, ‘God chooses the rulers of nations and he always chooses the basest of men.’”

She immediately responded with “Oh, I don’t believe that. God is never going to override our free will. He allows us to choose our rulers then He works with whomever we choose.” She went on to add that God did not put Hitler or Stalin in place.

I tried to point out the examples of Pharaoh and of Nebuchadnezzar, but she was not prepared to hear my explanation, so I tactfully let the subject drop.

Free will. Men will not let it go. Man will not willingly surrender to God that which he seized from Him in the Garden.

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