Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A New Revival

Yes, I know. I have started and stopped posting to this blog on several occasions. So this should not be a surprise. I will give this another effort. Maybe this time, maybe the revival will stick. If you would like to comment, click on the title of this article. Comments will be at the bottom. Thanks for visiting!

I am subscribed to several sites that send daily emails. This morning one of them posted an article that I really liked entitled "Why You Cannot 'Do All Things' Through Christ." If you are like me, you probably had a knee-jerk reaction that said something like, "What!" You should read the article to get the whole gist of what the author was saying, but in summary, he pointed out that Paul wrote this verse (Phil 4.13) from prison - a place he could not get out of, even though his faith in Christ was so very strong. The verse does not give us permission to claim that we can accomplish any goal we set our hearts simply because we depend on Christ to accomplish that goal through us. Sometimes, we fail. How would we explain that?

What the verse means is that, even in the midst of prison or any other adversity or time of blessing, we can still praise the Lord of Heaven because of Christ. It means that we can be content with having much or having little, in good times as well as in bad, when the news is uplifting or crushing. Christ does not change and has promised to never leave us. Therefore, we can face anything that comes our way through faith in Him.

Oftentimes, we must re-evaluate our traditional interpretation of what "thus saith the Lord."

I pray you have a great day.

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